Fundamental Principles of Leadership – Webinar for 5/31 at 9pm EDT

In this new era of collaboration and constant change, more than ever before, our success at home, in the community or at work is largely determined by our ability to lead people.  Many times we find ourselves struggling to get results but cannot understand why the results we seek seem so distant and unreachable.  Consequently, we more often than not resort to manipulation techniques and scare tactics that often backfire.

This introduction to the fundamental principles of leadership presents you with an opportunity to learn the building blocks of sustainable leadership upon which you can build and achieve successes both in your private and professional life.

We will: 

  1. Explore 3 pillars/fundamental principles that will allow you to lead effectively
  2. Define true leadership
  3. Provide you with tools to help you to lift your leadership lid to new levels
  4. Underscore the importance of establishing a personal growth plan

Learn these principles and you’ll learn to lead. If you ignore them, then you’re always going to struggle with leadership.

Join us on Thursday, May 31st at 9:00 PM EDT by calling (712) 432-0900 and entering 252039 # as the access code.

About the Presenter: 

Michael Charles is a Founding Partner and Certified Speaker, Trainer and Coach with the John Maxwell Team with a focus on leadership, team development and intentional living (Living on Purpose).  He has a passion for developing relationships and adding value to those around him. Michael is the founder and president of Light The World Foundation, a charity group he started in 2009 with a group of other professionals to educate children in Haiti as well as providing leadership training and coaching to youth and young professionals in the United States.

Michael started his career in a Leadership and Management Training program at JP Morgan Chase in 2000 and has worked as a Management Consultant and a Project Manager for over 12 years.  Some of the companies Michael provided consulting services to include: Bank of New York Mellon, Teach For America, Educational Testing Services, Con Edison, Verizon, DOITT/New York City Office of the Mayor and JetBlue.

Michael is also contributing author to the Handbook of Business Strategy Series published in 2007 by Emerald.  He plays music as a hobby,  enjoys spending time with his family and shares insights on leadership and intentional living on his blog at

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About Michael Charles - Certified Coach, Teacher, Speaker with the John Maxwell Team
Husband | Father | Independent Certified Coach, Teacher, Speaker and Founding Partner with the John Maxwell Team | Leadership, Professional and Personal Growth Advocate | Musician

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